ZCORE Project: Seaweed Residues for Superior Bio-Coatings
In the ZCORE project 6 partners have joined forces to investigate how seaweed residues can be used for the production of bio-coatings (paint) with superior properties.
Call for partners: Use or Invest in Biobased Polymerization Shared Facility
Green Chemistry Campus, REWIN and Wageningen University are planning the development of the first multipurpose Polymerization Shared Facility Pilot Plant in Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands. In this facility new and redesigned bio-polymers can be produced at a sub-commercial scale. Currently the consortium is looking for companies in the field of new (biobased) polymers that are interested to either use this unique infrastructure or that want to become a shareholder.
Agro & Chemie over de groei van de Green Chemistry Campus
Magneet voor bedrijven in de groene chemie
Nog geen jaar na het openen van de Demo Facility kampt de Green Chemistry Campus in Bergen op Zoom alweer met ruimtegebrek. “Als alle opties worden ingevuld die er nu liggen, zitten we vol”, zegt directeur Petra Koenders. “Vooral aan labruimte is extra behoefte. We hebben uitbreidingsplannen, maar gaan waarschijnlijk binnenkort al extra zuurkasten bijplaatsen in de gang.”
New demo facility Green Chemistry Campus festively opened
Bergen op Zoom, 18 December 2018 – Today, the new demo facility of the Green Chemistry Campus was officially opened. "An important milestone for the Campus and for the region", according to director Petra Koenders. "With this demo facility we enable companies to scale up their biobased innovations. Moreover, the building is one of the most sustainable demo areas in the Netherlands ".